Monday, April 1, 2019

introduction to Lifewave

This blog is intended to be a source of information for people who were part of a cult called Lifewave and anyone else who is interested in it. It will include documents from the time the cult existed and after it broke up, testaments from former members and my own opinions.

I joined Lifewave in the 1980s. It was started by John Yarr (Herbert John Yarr). He went to India to find a guru, but found one back here when he joined the Divine Light Mission (DLM) in 1974. They teach meditation on the Inner Light and Sound. This is a form of meditation found in the Radhasoami and Santmat traditions in the Punjab. There are a few organizations in India each with its own Sikh guru.

John Yarr followed the techniques of DLM and believed that he had become enlightened. He persuaded 4 women* from DLM to accept his teaching and they believed they had become enlightened too. That was the nucleus of the cult that went on to have many members and over 40 supposedly enlightened people before it broke up. It broke up because people found out he was abusing his followers.

I have identified 3 main features of this spiritual path:-
  1. meditation on the Inner Light and Sound
  2. 'going beyond form' also known as 'Second Initiation'
  3. Enlightenment
I have devoted a post to each of these 3 features.

You may wonder why I am still interested in a cult from the last century. Most people will have moved on and lost interest. I have been involved in many spiritual movements but it is this one that opens up the most questions about the nature of true spirituality and where it can go wrong.
John Yarr
There have been articles about John Yarr in Private Eye magazine and in The Sun newspaper.

*Jan, Liz, Mari-Ann and Caroline.


  1. There are many splinter groups from that group including Mark Zaretti's new group -
    These all have some kind of hierarchy physical and/or spiritual and focus on "guiding" the public to some end spiritual state. The level of intellectualism is quite extraordinary and it seems a new spiritual channeller appears each week

    1. How can I contact Andrew please, wanted to clarify a few points from his post. I was in LifeWave from 1984-1987 during my University days, still meditating on Light and Sound occasionaly purely from a healing point of view rather than anything too grandiose and spiritual.

    2. Hi Max

      Anyone who wants to send me an email can do so at

    3. the zaretti group displaying cultish behaviour's is very deceptive. It's all smiley faces on the outside, but if people dig deeper what you find is layers and layers of deceit. Its like they got invaded mentally. The zaretti's teaches a totally different version of the spiritual hierarchy when compared to the new Lightwave meditation group. It's crucial that meditators are aware of this and to use discernment to avoid any faults.

    4. This is revealing. In the beginning in Lifewave I remember JY taught about the spiritual hierarchy than he stopped teaching about it, for whatever lie's he came up with. From what I gathered from a friend the zaretti's teaches about the spiritual hierarchy channelled via a pendulum which is very flawed first of all, and also these all came from their chaotic imagination mostly influence of negativity. There is alot of suffering from imagination going on here.

    5. The Zaretti pendulum clan have a huge number of articles on site, BUT note there is ZERO engagement to any of these verbose posts
      Its all intellectual nonsense of course and the fella seriously needs an editor. Interestingly NOTHING from the co guru founder Paula Zaretti or the other Zaretti family members.

    6. These people are just clavoiyants that's all, nothing more, whom have assumed a false identity and claiming to be something when they are not.They think they know it all but still a very long way to go. Best thing is just meditate and stay away from all this new age rubbish.

    7. The Zaretti pendulum swingers are not even that. Its essentially a middle aged single guy living in a camper van endlessley posting all manner of confused writing online, most of which is intellectual twaddle. Its a new low

    8. Many are observing that any critical comments about the Zaretti pendulum group are scrubbed. This is typical cult manipulation. Check here and see a 3 star review is removed On the Wayback site all comments that are not 100% applauding are not approved and within the group there is strict control.

    9. The zaretti group trying to leave earth to fly to heaven like the Christian rapture and failed miserably, is a FACT, this took place. I see a member of this cult trying to twist the truth. An embarrassment and a lack of common sense.

  2. Replies
    1. I have no issues with spiritual exploration, BUT there seem to be an increasing number of people wanting "to guide" the rest of us! I'd name names but they are already too attention seeking. The other issues I have is that most of what is spounted is very poor stereotypical intellectual nonsense,just dreadful and fundamentally dumbed down nonsense. One tell tale sign is endless references to a hierarchy and levels.

    2. I see alot of similarities and especially where are lots of references to master x and y and hierarchy. The netflix episodes of "The Vow" also shows the dangers of some of this behaviour where people lose any critical thinking.

  3. the central problem is that the core meditation has substance, but the behaviours of many teachers are pretty crazy to say the least creating massive incongruity. The new Zaretti group is one such example and Lifewave was a spectacular example of ineptitude. Some well meaning people but seriously naïve. It got worse over time and was such a wasted opportunity. Now we have splinter groups many of which are also very naïve and adopting all the errors of previous meditative incarnations. Of course in 3rd world countries they may lap up the idea, but there's no joined up discrimination, very "Life of Brian" equally daft

    1. Cults number 1 currency is Fear. They thrive and feed on peoples Fear. The very moment Cult followers remove Fear from their awareness and Stand up against these so called Cult Leader's, what they will find is a very tiny small man or an old frail man, a little barbie doll behind the curtain of deceit who is completely powerless with no authority. It is all an Illusion of False Pretenses.
      The moment you take full control of your lives than you are free. Not listening to someone pretending to be something who is just a nobody who is lying and dictating your lives. To these Cult followers, Just walk away and you will be amazed the freedom you all will enjoy.

    2. If you look closely There seems to be some sort of competition going on between these John Yarr splinter groups. The Zaretti Cult seem to be going one way, the John Yarr Cult going another way. The other splinter groups are on a different route from The Yarries or Zaretti's. They fail to realise they are all in the same boat. Coming together as one and dropping differences or stupidity seems a long way off, but they are getting there. Surely but swiftly.

    3. If you look at the Radhasoami groups in India there was a constant splintering especially after a guru died. Each teacher wants to get his hands on the revenue stream.

    4. Yes, The other groups have now formed The new Lightwave Path However, it really looks promising and ok. Last time I checked the zaretti cult and john yarr cult is not part of the new Lightwave Path.

    5. I do know of The Lightwave Path which was set up by Nick and Mary Howell. They have established it in a way to avoid all or any pitfalls of cult. Which is great news comparing this to 70's and 80's lifewave, they have come a long way. All bullshit and nonsense or ego driven agendas is being avoided at all cost. The meditator and beginner starts and goes right into meditation in Light and Sound, Without any kind of corruption or being abused or being exploited in any way. Looking back I only wished this happened in early lifewave.

    6. Thank you Andrew for this blog, From what I have gathered the new Lightwave group have thousands upon thousands of people initiated into Light and Sound world wide and hundreds and hundreds more who have realised enlightenment. The evidence available here is huge for those enquiring to reach out or still being skeptical.The meditator or initiate can be initiated face to face and also remotely, remote initiations is available. And it's completely free.

    7. They don't tell you what enlightenment actually is. If people knew from the beginning that it means that everything seems to be part of you would they still want it? For some it is a permanent state and for others it is temporary. It never gets to be permanent. There's nothing spiritual about it, it is purely neurological: the brain interprets physical sensations different to before.

    8. Respectfully even though I am not a fan of these groups, the original LW group always suggested enlightenment was a permanent state. To suggest its purely neurological is a bit daft to say the least...

    9. I think that for some it may be permanent. When I read what Ken Wilber said about the matter though I could see that for many if not most it is not permanent. I quoted Wilber in a post earlier this year, he calls this state One Taste.

      When you read what he says, and what Suzanne Segal said, and what Malcolm (iamthat) said, it seems to be about how the brain processes sensory information. If I was in a dark sound-proofed room with an enlightened person their consciousness would be no different from mine. Everything seems to be part of you.

      Physical sensations do not appear to come from outside you as before, they seem to come from within. There is one way I can prove this, if they had a brain scan there would be 2 parts of the brain that would have gone dark because they don't function. The Orientation Association Areas.

    10. As someone who has studied neurology in relation to trauma I can say 100% that a true spiritual state has nothing to be with neurology. The whole Zaretti pendulum group and others tend to blur all manner of issues like this and that's probably why there is literally ZERO engagement on the endless verbose posts blasted out into the universe each week

    11. Looking at all these comments on this blog looks like the truth is finally coming out.
      I hope people who have been let down here are healed and can move forward in life.

    12. Weather you have PhD in neorology or not, no one really cares. Or you think you are the only God on the planet. The truth will penetrate you and uproot you than dissect you. Weather you like it or not. People are rising up in mass awakening to the truth and realising these. This is setting them free.

    13. pesky facts and actual proper study, who needs them eh when we can just make shit up?

    14. With respect.I think people in groups that are viewed as cults, maybe limited or no experience of cults with limited perception, should contact those outside their groups to verify and validate the information they have been spoon fed about others by their teachers. Than only can they see the bigger picture and see the mistakes. It is only fair, I think.


  4. Here is the FB info for the latest Lifewave aka 1 meditation incarnation run by Global Tribe in Leeds

  5. I wonder if the Global Tribe cafe realise that they are enablers of a cult. I used to live in Leeds and I met John Yarr and even went to his house in Leeds. I had a friend called Carolyn Elliot who became one of his few followers after the breakup. I see 1meditation are charging £250 for a 'personal mantra workshop' and 2 follow up sessions. This is from a man who called himself Ishvara but who had no idea how to pronounce this word. He gave this word to a little girl in Manchester as a mantra. In India Sanskrit words can be used as a mantra but if you don't know how to pronounce them it's just stupid. I could tell them how to get all the way to 'enlightenment' for nothing.

  6. The Global Tribe owners are fully aware of the history, yet interestingly there is no mention of the head of the group or refs to Lifewave in the store or any literature...Make of that what you will -

    1. Where is Mr.John Yarr NOW?
      Way back in 1993 when I joined Lifewave I wrote him two very important letters as directed by an " inner voice" which called itself God.
      Twenty six years later I still remember the contents of those letters although at that time I didnt know that Lifewave had gone under in 1986.
      In one letter I recall telling Mr.John Yarr that the whole article of his issue of INSIGHT of 1986 on Ishvara was false and fictitious..
      In another letter I wrote to him that there is an inner voice which calls itself GOD and this inner voice said that Lifewave was just a path thru which He, God wanted to deliver a final message to the world..On top of that I wrote to John Yarr as inwardly commanded that he should get married and that he should attend church..
      As aspirants we were told to write ketters to the Master in the UK to inform.him of our " meditation experiences."
      I was a member of the group in Arusha centre Tanzania and I remember that two weeks after I wrote the last letter some initiating adepts came from the UK and I was informed by the local initiates that the Master could prove to anyone that he, John Yarr was God.
      They banished me from the group and immediately the groups name was changed ftom Lifewave to simply the PATH..
      Since then I had left the group and had gone on a totally different path and pursuit of TRUTH...
      I have never known or seen.this John Yarr or Ishvara as they called him but 26 years later after my first encounter with his insight meditation I must say I had opened quiet a pandoras box of scorpions and snakes and vipers..
      I just wished John Yarr had answered " my" letters and ackowledge that he was not the "Ishvara" it would have relieved me of 99 percent of spritual confusion...
      If anyone does have Mr.Yarrs contact plse avail..if he is still alive.
      I dont want him to get lost

    2. I believe he recently died in bognor

    3. i know where he lives please reply for his details , he very much alive

  7. another splinter group with no ref to LW

    1. Yep they are the Zarettians a.k.a Zaretti Pendulum Cult.

    2. Zarettians Cult Leader's Paula Zaretti and Mark Zaretti(John Yarr Junior) including John Yarr(1 meditation Cult Leader) All these three are Not even Enlightened. Sadly they have led their followers astray.

    3. Mr Yarr and The Zaretti's, These Cult Leader's think that they are the one and only path or that they are in charge of everything when in reality they are Not but Nothing. Very Ego driven from a personal agenda with A deluded and hallucinated mindset of completely mistaken identity very Typical of Cult Leader's. In reality they have failed considerably in numerous False promises to their followers, always weaving lies over and over again just to retain their status.

    4. i had the unfortunate pleasure of being aquainted with Zaretti Inc
      and the weeback ,overall impression of mz was an an immature emotionally ,callous individual , very deluded arrogant narcissistic tendencies using his authority to get into the knickers of those he was supposed to be mentoring , well nothing changed there ,he is merely following in the grand footsteps of Osirisvara lord of the universe that preceded him by 4 decades earlier.Hr reminded me of an impressionist italian oil on canvas of nicolai machivelli= treuly callous mind and heart as it suits his purposes , seritti also claims italian decent. which may explain why he has great trouble keeping his twinkle in his pants.

    5. This is still going on today (I saw the group meet a few months ago). The narcissism oozes from Mark and he is very, very careful about the male vs female mix in his groups - nearly all women. Sadly some very naïve women out there who believe his lies and think of him as a 'friend'. I think he is a very dangerous individual and best avoided.

    6. Thanks for the info. Where is this Mark Zaretti based? Is it Leeds?

  8. From the FB page for 1 meditation now rebranded as spiritual meditation classes -
    Spiritual Meditation Classes
    August 28 at 6:27 PM ·
    Sometimes we are trying to understand the smallest detail when we don't have the whole picture. Sit back, relax and take a deep breathe. The complexities of the universe can't be understood with the mind but you can become that which creates the universe. ������ To discover more book onto our next course via our website in bio ☝️

    "you can become that which creates the universe?"

    Rooky philosophical error

    1. It is common for cults to not give you the information you need. They will tell you what they want you to know, not what you need to know. If I had known decades ago what the Lifewave 'enlightenment' meant - in terms of someone's actual experience instead of the theory - I would not have become involved. It is a neurological dysfunction: all it means is that everything seems to be part of you. You can interpret it as becoming 'that which creates the universe' or you can interpret it as your brain no longer being able to distinguish between subject and object. It is an illusion: everything is not part of you.

      It's like these TM people. They have something interesting called 'transcending'. Nobody seems to want to say what the actual experience seems to be. Every time you try to find out you get a lot of theory, a lot of bla bla bla about brain waves and stuff. I did TM and after a long time I said to a teacher I'm not getting anywhere, I don't feel any different. He said TM doesn't promise any changes (which is crap) and seemed really angry that I should criticise his wonderful cult. I could tell you about Subud too.

    2. The enlightenment is real although it's a matter of getting there. From a non absolute perspective it can seem unreal until you find it. I know what the transcendence is and recognised my enlightenment after Lifewave broke up due to how they explained it before. It's true about finding that which has no limited form. It's also true that it's beyond the minds understanding.
      In general the spiritual things do happen. The way it was packaged and delivered in Lifewave was not always ideal although there was a system.
      My experience of it was that it was a special thing spiritually in Lifewave. People get what they can from it.
      The thing about charging money as it was then a percentage of income was said to be so people valued what they were getting. Some truth to that although there are people who would value it anyway.
      The difference today is that seekers seem more fragmented in their loyalties. There's also the internet.
      Back then being in Lifewave was quite exclusive and focussed. I found it a good introduction and grounding in things though. I was in it for the last 2 years and was not deeply controlled by the rules.If things were freer though it may have benefited me. I was an initiate for the last year and carried on in my quest after it broke up.
      The general meeting was quite shocking though announcing that it would close.
      I think that Lifewave has had enough time to settle now. I think that there could be some good teachings and positive groups coming out of ex members. My impression was that the social or community aspect was one of the main things if not more important than the spirituality for many people as afterwards many people seemed to drop the spirituality.
      What you have in one head guru is a hierarchy. Although it does make teachings more definite. If people go to different teachers they can get different advice and it could be confusing, especially at the early stages. The thing is that a guru needs enough integrity. I'm not sure about having to charge money either but I think that at least it's not good to withhold spiritual teachings without money. That's a personal choice.
      I get the impression though that if there's not an organisation, marketing and some payment many people can take it or leave it. I see this a lot on the internet. People will pay a well known teacher but don't seem that interested in genuine free teachings and they won't commit themselves to a genuine free teacher.
      I did try to teach in the past but very little interest. I think it's a lot to do with marketing and presentation. Make people think they are getting something valuable and they will pay for it and be more loyal. Sad that it seems to be like that. That's why they pay for 1 meditation.

    3. The thing about everything being a part of you: to realize the essence then yes everything exists in that. The essence is unlimited so all limited forms exist in that. It does not mean that everything is a part of you personally, although it can feel that everything is inside you.It does not mean that you are the one that created everything though.
      I know that John Yarr didn't talk about God. All I heard was that he was supposed to be the kalki avatar so I guess that means he was God?
      Well enlightenment as I see it does not mean that you see yourself as God,but there are other states where it's claimed that it's about God realisation. I have no awareness of having created anything though.

    4. Thank you for your comments which I found very interesting. John Yarr didn't talk about God much but the name Ishvara means God. It is the word many Hindus use to mean a personal God as opposed to the impersonal Brahman. Yarr tended to use the word Atman to mean Brahman and this is one of the meanings although the word Atman usually means your own individual consciousness (which is different from your thoughts). Yarr didn't know how to pronounce the word 'Isvara' though.

      I heard a man on the radio a few days ago talking about the hallucinogenic drug psilocybin. He said we are not really separate from the universe, we evolved to perceive that we are probably because we needed to to survive, and that by taking psilocybin we can realize we're not separate.

      This is an interesting way of putting it because it doesn't claim some kind of universal consciousness such as Brahman or God. It seems that the enlightenment experience doesn't prove the existence of Brahman or God, or of the 'essence' that you write about in your post.

      I don't think it is true that we are not separate. When you take psilocybin or another hallucinogen such as DMT you're not seeing reality. Maybe one day there will be some way to manipulate the brain so that anyone can have the experience. A strong magnetic field limited to the Orientation Association Areas could do the trick.

    5. Paula Zaretti and Mark Zaretti's new splinter group adopt a donation based system -

    6. These two are both offspring's of John Yarr.

  9. and here is the Mark Zaretti book supposedly with "channeled messages" via a pendulum from the spiritual hierarchy

    1. Very Flawed and full of inaccuracies. Written by This person driven by an over inflated Ego for personal gain.

    2. The book the mr zaretti wrote was from his own imagination with a use of pendulum, very inaccurate. He completely misled himself and others. He created this characters and imaginative story from his mind. The fella needs psychiatric help. He has issues mentally that needs to be addressed. ignorance with denial of the truth is damaging.

    3. There are endless videos now he is unemployed and living in a van with a great deal of time on his hands. There is a real concern about proper duty of care as a lot of the information is suspect to say the least. His mother Paula Zaretti should really know better as at least she has some life experience and a steady relationship

  10. I saw the thing about a John Yarr dead in Bognor. But the age didn't seem to fit with what we know of him.

  11. Yarr is located in Leeds. The splinter groups continue with the Zaretti initiative and 1 meditation, both making ever more grandiose claims to channel the greater beings often in a verbose manner. Also see

    1. Zaretti Pendulum Cult will send you on a wild goose chase. An absolute waste of time. A total Lack of common sense.

      The Yarrians(1meditation) and The Zarettians (The way back..back where???.. The way back to more Ego) are in a boat of insanity.
      Stay clear of the endless flaws and discrepancies in these False Teachings.

    2. The Zarettians are beyond bonkers and Mark Zaretti lives in a camper van on a beach churning out material that is pretty odd. Good luck to the fella but at approaching 50 its a bit of a strange existence.

    3. I wonder if he still lives in Alwoodley. He had a house there. Carolyn Elliot took me there once.

    4. I heard Mark Zaretti sold his house and now lives in his motor van trying to save the world. His in some kind of deluded Ego trip going with this end time madness. He teaches about Ascension, his version of Ascension is that he is the only Chosen one and that the The Way Back Where??? Group are the one and only chosen ones guiding humanity to leave planet earth while in the physical body and that they will migrate into another dimension or planet and live happily ever after up there somewhere. The reality is that the only dimension his migrating to is his motor van. I believe the bloke is suffering from some sort of brain cells malfunction.

    5. Hahaha...It's great this is all coming out.
      To enter heaven you have to drop dead first. That's a proven fact.
      People aspiring to fly off to heaven in groups while in the physical body, sadly have made A COMPLETE HELL OUT OF THEMSELVES while on earth.
      This has occurred and attempted numerous times in the past and they have one thing in common, THEY ALL FAILED to fly off to heaven.
      Billions and Billions of people who have walked before us are already there. What are these people going to do up there? There is alot to be done here on earth and service to humanity. Living on earth at this time is Heaven in itself.
      This deceptive corrupted belief system is one of the greatest crime against humanity.
      It's already is collapsing in people's mind.

    6. This is interesting.I do know certain groups in the past that have tried to leave earth while in the body to disappear to another place above, some call heaven, just like in hollywood movies but have failed. Some of this groups ended up in mass group suicides,because they couldn't disappear.
      It's concerning but sad this is happening within Light and Sound meditators. We are supposed to know better.
      It's important this is revealed and highlighted to all because it's a very concerning serious issue.
      It's vital we learn from this childish errors and to be passed on to the future generation that they may be far much better.

    7. I came across this blog today.I wanted to share this to all meditators.We are just temporary guests here on Earth. Our bodies is just a temporary GIFT from earth. Trying to float beyond the clouds in an earthly body like in films or TV programmes is stealing, isn't it, its part of earth and it doesnt belong to us. The air we breathe and water we drink, we take it and we give it back. Same as our bodies, we wear it for a certain time and we give it back when we leave. This is a law. Earth has given us a home and a life to experience, we have to respect that. We have a duty to her and one another. Everyone is special and chosen. It is an offense and insult against Earth to steal from Her, this shows No respect and No Love towards earth. Possible influence of religion, media/entertainment be a causing factor. I hope this helps people see through this and learn.

    8. LoL..I heard The Zaretti Pendulum Cult taught from April 2018 that they will leave planet earth within 2yrs and relocate to another dimension. Well 2yrs had passed and gone but still the Zarettians are still here on earth. Absolutely hilarious and silly.

    9. Seriously. Wow. This is absurd. This ideology, a literature story was created by the Roman Flavians now Vatican run by the Jesuits that is linked to this corrupted establishment manipulating society. Great news this came out.
      Please Look up Caesar's Messiah. This is on youtube and also available on a book.
      Surprisingly this crept into L&S meditation.
      This is straight forward pure IGNORANCE.
      This virus is being uprooted, exposed and needs to be erased out permanently for ourselves and future generations.
      Hearing this I couldn't believe this is happening in Light and Sound Meditation.

    10. Mark Zaretti and Paula Zaretti claim for over 1000 youtube videos on meditation that are odd to say the least. Marknow lives in a camper van with a dog on a beach, no longer employed soending his time dowsing for cosmic communications

    11. There are many many much more advanced spiritual practitioner's around the planet who have gone way way way beyond that, yet they take no credit or glory to themselves. The moment you think you are the one and only chosen one's is the moment you have dugged yourselves a very deep hole.
      Just remember this,


    12. Nice. Yes, The tao te ching summaries this perfectly as follows.

      "He who stands on tiptoe
      doesn't stand firm.
      He who rushes ahead
      doesn't go far.
      He who tries to shine
      dims his own light.
      He who defines himself
      can't know who he really is.
      He who has power over others
      can't empower himself.
      He who clings to his work
      will create nothing that endures.

      If you want to accord with the Tao,
      just do your job, then let go"

  12. Its now like the wild west with ever more bizarre claims made by the various sub groups. Claims about messages and directives from spiritual beings are commonplace and unfortunately common sense appears to be 2nd place. Despite all this actual 1 - 1 human being help with meditation is absent and replaced by online courses and vblogs


    1. Hahaha it's turning into The Wild Wild West. These two groups(Yarrians and Zarettians) fail to realize in their brain cells that they are both in a Cult being brainwashed. Here we have One Cult inviting another

    2. Zarettians (Zaretti Pendulum Cult)and Yarrians (1 Meditation Cult) Misleading and Mis-guiding of their members and followers is constant to date. Mis-information followed by False rumours always pointing the finger at other's to blame is a common theme within these two particular groups.

  14. I was in Ishvara/Lifewave in the early 80s. I lived in Bradford and I remember going to Leicester, to an Asian family, in order to possibly meet "Ishvara." I was told that I would need to bow down when entering the room and I said that I wouldn't bow down to another human so they wouldn't let me in. I felt incredibly disappointed because of course they'd promised enlightenment... I now feel that most groups like this are either preying on people's fear of death or appealing to "spiritual ego" so that they might feel superior to other mortals. I had gone out of the frying pan (Ananda Marga) into the fire (Lifewave).... Still a "seeker" but hopefully in a more balanced way

    1. On a positive note, a great alternative which is the Lightwave meditation group has a No Leader and a No Guru policy. The seeker and those starting meditation is connected straight into the energy. They have teachers who work as one and autonomously.
      Hope this benefits someone.

    2. Thats what is suggested BUT lets remember that those "chanelling" messages are essentially the "leaders" and authorities in this context whether they like it or not. Its the same problem with the Paula Zaretti and Mark Zaretti spin off cult faction. They are the conduit for the communications and of course the earthly hierachy for the "celestial beings" Either way where there is a hierachy there are leaders and that brings status issues. 'connecting to energy" also without ethical/psychological considerations can cause issues. Look at the history of meditators being sectioned from meditating where they became unbalanced...

    3. The Global Tribe cafe remains the John Yarr LW centre in the North but its all secret and under wraps. Why do you think that is?

  15. That's Cult manipulation, most cult groups do this. Global tribe lure people in. The owners Mario and Bev who run the hub of false information, spread false rumours and lies rooted from John Yarr, to maintain control. These two are sadly controlled and brainwashed by John Yarr.

    1. Global tribe of lies supported by JY very own milk maid contingent constantly milking away, always sniffing about and spreading false rumours. This folks really have alot to learn. We hope they can move forward from all this nonsense.

    2. inevitably everything comes out in the wash eventually. Check companies house

  16. Anybody seen Carolyn Elliott recently?

  17. She ended up with a lot of emotional issues and not able to cope. The Global tribe crew is mostly underground and never references Yarr in any way. The store had a cafe that shut after one cook left and another passed away. The business always lost huge amounts of money over the years. The Mario Bev duo are well known for back stabbing and self interests, really unpleasant untrustworthy types. More will become public in 2021

  18. Yes do not fall for the new age style, goody face on the outside, of the global tribe of liar's team. As you see deeper you uncover lot's and lot's of corruption.
    What a real shame.

    1. There's a bigger story to emerge with many examples of manipulation and power struggles. The attitude to all employees is also "questionable" to say the least and this will all come back to bite them. What goes round comes round.

  19. Sounds as if Carolyn is another casualty of John Yarr. I used to know her well. She went one way and I went another.

  20. Not a bad person, just not very smart when it comes to judging people. She ultimately totally lost the plot, but is on a list of people who were sectioned - Sandra Swift, big Catherine to name but two others...

    1. Carolyn took me to Yarr's house in Leeds once. I saw Yarr in her flat 3 times. She convinced me that I should see him because he could teach me about tarot and stuff. The second time I saw him he said I should meditate for many hours then phone him. I had no intention to meditate for hours, I never got into meditation. So I never contacted him again.

      Then one day he turned up at her flat when I was there. It seems he liked to do that. Just like Harvey Weinstein. But then I think that a lot of guys did that. It was a strange culture then in the 1980s. Turn up at a woman's flat unannounced and try to get what you want.

    2. I remember Sandra. Carolyn told me that she had been going round to Sandra's house in Bramley, Leeds. She didn't say anything about Sandra seeing John Yarr. Was Sandra going to see Yarr after Lifewave broke up? The way Carolyn told me about it was that Sandra had a baby and it was then her problems started, but maybe it was too much meditation and cult abuse.

    3. Sandra remains one of the remaining Global Tribe followers still left. Its a tiny bunch very much a small club with no real interest in helping others. Both Carolyn and Sandra went a bit off the rails, but that potential was there regardless of any meditation. Many in this remianing group like the new Zaretti splinter group are obsessed with status and telling others "guiding others" but quite frankly the intelligence and insights are just not there. At least in the early LW days people had some application and dedication rather than all fluff. What's left can't really be taken seriously and that's why neither group will ever engage a bigger audience. Its pretty embarassing to say the least, mostly people who have failed in business and personal relationships trying to boss others around and maintain a sense of imagined importance

  21. Here is a whole new level of delusion dear reader -

    "It is easy to accept what you can see and touch, but it takes trust to accept that which is not yet within your awareness. But you cannot say you are humble, that you are grateful, that you are respectful, that you are non-judgemental, or that you are unconditionally loving of the guidance and the support that the Spiritual Hierarchy give, and yet at the same time not trust them. A lack of trust manifests as “fear and doubt”. For example when a person is given direct advice and guidance from the Spiritual Hierarchy, if that person then starts to question the guidance and focus on the obstacles and their own doubts, then they give energy to the obstacles and doubts and they are demonstrating that they do not trust that the Spiritual Hierarchy can support them. So a lack of trust is effectively rejecting the spiritual hierarchy." Of course Zaretti is the spokesman (typical guy thing) for "the hierachy. More egocentric twaddle from a guy living in a camper van with a history of failed relationships in all areas of life

  22. I've just come across this - interesting reading.

    A small correction. The first four women from DLM are stated to have been Judy, Jan, Liz and Carmel. Actually they were Jan, Liz, Mari-Ann and Caroline, unless my memory fails me. I never met Caroline as she had left by the time I came along in late 1978.

    Incidentally, why do so many people post anonymously? Why are they unwilling to be identified? I will post this using Google Account and see what name comes up.


  23. I've just come across this - interesting reading.

    A small correction. The first four women from DLM are stated to have been Judy, Jan, Liz and Carmel. Actually they were Jan, Liz, Mari-Ann and Caroline, unless my memory fails me. I never met Caroline as she had left by the time I came along in late 1978.

    Incidentally, why do so many people post anonymously? Why are they unwilling to be identified? I will post this using Google Account and see what name comes up.


  24. That's very interesting Malcolm. I will put a correction on the page.

  25. That is correct and of course Caroline departed which created some discussion at that time. Jan and Liz lived together for a period of time on the South coast. A great deal of what was SOTM was copied from DLM, but the meditation was quite different. The insistance on all the Indian terms was a disaster in connecting with a wider public of course. In recent years there is 1 meditation which is Yarr's brand still pushing mantras (god only knows who's gonna go for that" Light and Sound meditation and the splinter Paula and Mark mom and son group that is like David Icke light, endless verbose info with virtually zero public engagement, just bizarre. Of course there are endless grandiose claims and yet none of these concerns prediccted the global pandemic or offer any advice for those who have to deal with earthly considerations, which tells us all we need to know...

  26. without doubt the creepiest video yet from the pendulum swingers

  27. Truth or False, these posts are mostly anecdotal, which is fine. Open discussion is what brings transparency, light, and truth to matters, and should be encouraged in every walk of life.As for myself, a disillusioned MD, that also seeks ultimate Truth, I feel being open to learn, practice, and commit for some time is essential to growing in life.Most people who are truly wise, learn to forgive, take what works for them without judgment and accept everything else as is as long as it doesn't disturb their own life.
    Now, If John really did hurt these people, they can come forth through the legal system, because if they are right, they should have nothing to fear. On the other hand, if he did hurt many, he also potentially helped many more. Is that nothing to take into account? None of us is perfect.   As for the rest of us, if we are moved by love, the world would rather benefit from your contribution in other areas like the hundreds of millions in abject poverty, trafficking, forced labor, enslavement, etc.
    Most of the spiritual community is blocked by negative thought patterns, and instead of taking life as it is and 99% of the time investing their time/energy in promoting love and better living conditions for other human beings, they invest enormous amounts of energy not serving those in need.I was also in my life excluded (or I excluded myself) from other communities wish I was not aligned with, but that doesn't invalidate them as serving those who wish to be part of them. I am happy to let them go and move on to something I prefer (I was once part of Catholicism, Medical System, Competitive Sports, Gaming, etc). As long as my freedom/integrity and that of other human beings are respected, no community is undeserving of a place on this Earth.

    I leave anecdotal evidence that meditating changed my life in ways I would never otherwise by myself, and I owe it to those loving enough to care for me, asking little or nothing in return. I am not a slave to anyone, just grateful for the help and love I was given.

    Finally, I just want to share how much of a difference to my health, (mind and body and emotions) is made, to let go of things that don't concern me, or that I'm not interested in being a part of anymore. I stopped engaging in things I don't like, don't want, or don't need to attend, and that is the biggest freedom. The only thing that is truly yours in this manifested creation is possibly (not sure) our perception/attention.Choosing what I want to give my attention and energy to change my life forever, from a miserable life to the happiest and healthiest I have ever been, without hurting anyone!
    Wish all the best to everyone here involved, life, one way or another, is short and precious 

  28. I used to know caroline , I am sorry to hear she was sectioned ,she was good woman

  29. There were two women in Lifewave who could be easily confused. There was the Caroline who was in DLM with Yarr and with 3 other women became the nucleus of the cult. That must have been on the south coast. Then there was Carolyn Elliott in Leeds who contacted Yarr after Lifewave broke up in the 1980s and did lots of stuff for him.

    As I understand it it was Carolyn Elliott who was the one who was sectioned. If anyone knows different please say.

  30. Caroline Elliot was sectioned BUT she was only one of a number of people who had mental health issues. Others include Diane Leslie, Catherine from Manchester and Sandra Swift, all required "professional help"

  31. Thanks for your comment. Do you think that John Yarr may have developed mental health problems when Lifewave existed? Wasn't there something where we were told that Ishvara had stepped down from his role as supreme leader and the Adepts had taken over the functioning of the organization?

  32. Hard to say. Mostly he was very naive and of course surrounded by yes people, so there were no proper checks and balances. There were some positive aspects to LW, it helped a lot of people but such groups like this and now the splinter groups like the Mark Zarretti and Paula Zarretti mom and son outfit, become ever more convinced that they are there to "guide" all of us. Of course its all pretty bonkers and that's shown by the total lack of engagement from the wider world and many such people can't hold down any sort of basic job which is then framed as "working for spirituality" The truth is that they have a history of not being able to form relationships both personal and business wise and then default to try to dictate to the wider world which is also a sign of poor emotional health of course

  33. Paula Zaretti and Mark Zaretti set up Waybackmeditation and announced themselves as "enlightened" It looks like another small splinter group that keeps changing its mind on approach. Early on they advocated pendulums for contacting other beings, then that suggestion vanished. What followed was a bombardment of all things New Age on the main site, which then vanished. Now its all "God talk" and "guidance. The videos and social media get very little attention and Mark seems to be living out of a van, which many may find a bit odd for a 50+ year old single guy. Make of that what you will.

  34. My parents were involved in Lifewave from the mid 1980s until the end. I was sexually assaulted by John Yarr when I was a young child. When I eventually began working through this in my 20s my mother and I discovered he was accused of raping other children and that there was an investigation going on into him. This was in the early 2000s. I'm in my 40s now, still trying to work through the damage done by being sexually assaulted by someone your parents worship, whose photo was in your home. Being taught to meditate saying his guru name. Being punished for refusing to do physical exercises he told your parents you should do to "correct" your knock knees. Even changing your name and having that name chosen by Liz (I don't remember her last name, she was a homeopath and an adept).
    Recently I started looking for information. I needed to know if there were other people like me out there and also what had happened when the sexual assaults were being looked into in the early 2000s but it doesn't look like anything happened and apart from references on various forums to the fact that he raped women and may have raped children I haven't seen anyone say they experienced this themselves. So it looks like he got away with all of it and has presumably continued raping and abusing people ever since. I can't believe there are people still believing in his teachings or referring to him with awe. I sincerely hope that he will suffer one day for everything he has done.

  35. I'm sorry to hear Kali that you were that you were abused by John Yarr. I have met two gurus face to face, John Yarr and Mooji, and I wouldn't let my children anywhere near either of them. I hope that my blog will make it less likely that Yarr or anyone else will be trusted to be alone with a child.
    I heard in the 1980s about a child (in Manchester) who was given his guru name to meditate on. I knew even then that John Yarr doesn't know how to pronounce the word 'Ishvara' properly. So it would not have been some kind of special mantra. I didn't treat him with awe.
    I didn't know that people were looking into Yarr's sexual assaults in the early 2000s. That is interesting information. It's a great pity that he wasn't sentenced. There is no doubt in my mind that he sexually assaulted women and children, including you.

  36. Hi all, thank you for the comments you put here which will be read by many and wake up alot more. It has made a difference.
    Hope you are well Kali, sorry to hear of what happened to you and others.

    Please send email below if you need anything. Or any one else who wants someone to talk to. I am not part of any of these meditation groups mentioned above in this chat.

    Any updates from mr yarr or mr zaretti posted here for everyone to see does helps.



    There is a new last comment about a possible group in Malta. If anyone wants to shed some light on this one.

  38. I have just found out that Paul Bennett died more than a year ago. Still, it would be interesting to know if he helped or harmed the people who he taught meditation or qigong to. It would also be interesting if there is a group in Merseyside or Malta that continues what he started.

    I know that initiations took place in Merseyside. I came across his website years ago but I didn't know it was Paul Bennett because he was using a different name. It might have been Paul Stellini, or Paulo or Paolo. The site doesn't exist but I did a screenshot of the most interesting bit (about initiations) and put it on this blog.
