
One thing that I heard in Lifewave is that when you have Second Initiation then you find out what you are not. You know that you are not your mind. When you have Enlightenment then you find out what you are. You are Brahman or God.

So Second Initiation tells you what you are not. Enlightenment tells you what you are.

It does seem that with Second Initiation you realize that your mind is only one small part of you. There is more to you than your mind.

Another thing that I was told is that you can get to a stage in your meditation where previously you thought that you were meditating on something (a mantra, the Inner Light). Then you realise that something has been meditating on you.

What I think is meant by this is that your inner consciousness has been aware of your mind. Your inner consciousness, or Atman, has been focusing its attention on your mind. Your Atman is not separate from Brahman. So Brahman, or God, has been meditating on your mind.

The Atman/Brahman is the real you though, not your mind. It doesn't need to keep doing that though. It had become identified with your mind, but it can become increasingly detached.

Someone told me that your Self moves up on to higher level. What can this mean? It could mean that the Self lives in the serenity of nonduality while the mind continues as before. The mind continues without having this Self to influence it. This might explain why the worst aspects of the mind are given free reign. The little mind goes its own little way and goes off the rails.

Could this mean that with Enlightenment there is a split? There are actually two individuals now. The Self dwells in the region of tranquility but there is also the mind doing its own thing, with its desires and hatreds. Could this explain why an Enlightened person can be abusive?

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