
I have done a post on Enlightenment and I decided to do a page where I can set out more precisely what I think it is.

A key to understanding Enlightenment is the concept of 'nonduality'. Most people's minds work on the basis of duality. When you look at something it seems to be separate from you. You look at a mountain, there's you and there's the mountain. Two things.

When you have nonduality there are no longer two things. Either you perceive everything as part of you. Or there is no you. This second type of Enlightenment is the most difficult to explain. Both types are very much to do with the senses.

With the second type of Enlightenment, when a sound begins, a new consciousness is created that listens to the sound. Because we hear different sounds at the same time, there are new consciousnesses coming into existence and going out of existence all the time. When the sound ends then the consciousness ends. There is no central consciousness.

None of these consciousnesses perceive themselves to be separate from that which they perceive. That is why some people say that the sounds perceive themselves. I don't think this is a helpful way of thinking about it though.

What is true of sounds is true of other sense perceptions. It would be true of emotions, thoughts and memories too.

There are some altered states of consciousness which are encountered in meditation. There are a few which are encountered outside of meditation. They can be with you 24 hours a day. You can drive a car or any everyday activity while in these states. As well as the two types of Enlightenment there is also Witnessing. And then there is what Actualism achieves, whatever that might be.

People always want to say that a state of consciousness has some importance that isn't there. They might say that it means you no longer have to reincarnate. Or that you now see reality. It isn't really true that everything is part of you, but it is true that there is no Self. It doesn't prove that there is no such thing as free choice. It doesn't prove that consciousness exists on a different level from material reality.

If you are an angry or greedy person you will continue to be angry and greedy. If you occupy your time with trivial matters you will continue to do so. You would think that an enlightened person would be content to sit on a hill and enjoy sunsets, so it is always a surprise when they spend so much time playing mind games with other people and being control freaks.

There is a theory that Enlightenment ends desire. It doesn't. Although there is something that does end. Emotions stay the same but there can be a feeling of fulfilment. Nonduality can mean there is nothing outside of you to want, but perhaps this can make it more difficult for people to understand their emotions.

You may think that 'direct pointing' or 'pointing-out instructions' will do the trick. However, the state of consciousness will only last a short period of time. Although you can return to it time and time again. Once that you have seen that you do not have a Self, is there any point in trying to make this a permanent state of consciousness?

If you want Enlightenment of either type you will have to meditate for many hours. Just one hour of meditation per day will not do it. You will probably have to go on retreat too where you will spend nearly all your waking hours meditating. So you end up spending lots of money as well as lots of time. Is it worth it when you know that it doesn't mean that much?

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