Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Tim Booth radio interview

Tim Booth is the singer in the band James. In the 1980s he was part of Lifewave in Manchester. I remember sharing a bus journey into Manchester with him. I also remember fellow band member Jimmy and his wife Jenny.

Tim recently did an hour-long interview broadcast on the radio a few days ago. He mentions Lifewave but only briefly. He said he did long hours of meditation. These days he is more interested in drugs such as psilocybin, mostly for its therapeutic purposes.

The interview can be heard here.

There is another interview in the Independent newspaper James: ‘We were so hopelessly indie-schmindie it made Belle and Sebastian look like Whitesnake’. They have a new album. This interview has 3 paragraphs about Lifewave, mentioning John Yarr by name. I didn't realise that one of the ‘enlightened teachers’ went round and beat him up.